After years of planning, the day has arrived. We are in Cusco. Much of this journey has been tentative and uncertain until a few weeks or months before. The beginning and end and some of the intermediate were planned out... and tickets were bought and dreams and fantasties abounded. But regardless... it never is quite as perfect as you plan in your head. And since I have only been here for a few hours, I can't say if it causes all the wild dreams to disingreate or not. I know we have a beautiful view of the mountains from our room. I know that as we sat in the backseat of our taxi we got a glimpse of how the Spaniards intruded their architecture on top of Inca ruins. Dark fell as we cleaned up and since our hostel has a cozy bar with many travelers, we were feeling it unnecessary to leave at the moment.
The altitude is not bad but it has made us lacking in motivation for now. Exploring will commence tomorrow. 5 days till we start on our trek to Machu Picchu.
On Saturday morning our good friend William will be joining us. I love Brian''s companionship but it will be good to have a third party to talk to and joke with... and who also loves good food and the outdoors.
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