Monday, August 30, 2010

After a dream dissolves into life.

After we slid and huddled into the taxi leaving Quito very early this morning, I looked out the window to take in the end of this journey. A sudden heartache and emotional swell passed through me as I realized that I would have to come back and see more, experience more and that is never enough. There are so many places to see. So many places that I want to dream of, sense, and let enter through the left open windows of my center.

Thoughts of all the things we didn't do tried to ruin the moment for me but I would turn to my husband, my friend, and the other traveler who helped keep me whole, grounded, and he would remind me of all we have experienced and that we can return if we really want to again.

I thought of the future in Baltimore and the people I love so much and that made me antsy for it all now. I thought of the hunger I would always feel if I didn't live. I thought of all the things that we would miss and the things I looked forward to. It all added up to the fact that I am super freaking lucky. And I did it. I made a dream happen.

I thought about the volcanos I didn't see because they were covered in mist and fog and cloud. And for our final departure I was blessed with a bird's eye view of three peaks bursting from the earth to the sky. All it took was an early, early morning and a beautiful sunrise rolling up and over the earth and across the equator for us to see three feirce custodians of the past, present, and future. The mouths of Pachamama; a kiss of fire that could still spurt its intensity regardless of how the people below regard their fortune.

Those volcanos stood like brothers and sisters dreaming of what they will become and I witnessed my own dream dissolve in the wake of their majestic calm.

Friday, August 27, 2010

One Day in the Jungle

A monkey watching us at the
refuge out of Puyo.
Before leaving Baños, Karla and I decided to take a day trip to the nearby jungle, the western edge of the massive Amazon.  Of course, one day is hardly enough time to get know the jungle - just enough to give you a taste without being eaten alive by mosquitos or falling over a waterfall in a leaky canoe!  As I quipped to Karla, we were on the "Welcome to the Jungle Now Get Out" tour...

Still, we wanted to see the jungle before we left, and since we hadn't been able to get anything bigger assembled (nor really had the motivation for a longer jungle experience after nearly five months of travel), we decided to arrange a day trip to one of the local agencies in Baños.  We weren't under any illusions - you can't go too far into the jungle in one day, and we'd be seeing areas that were right next to human habitations, so the odds of seeing, say, a giant anaconda were slim to none.  Nevertheless, we were not disappointed.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Ecuador Photos and Videos Posted!

As Karla and I wile away our days here in Baños de Agua Santa, we've been able to take advantage of the persistent wireless connection at our hostel to upload the backlog of photos and videos (more or less).  In chronological order, here they are...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Spying on a Volcano

La Casa del Arbol
Since we last posted anything, we have been at a farm, the beach, a city, and now the town of baths. Baños de Agua Santa is three and 1/2 hours south of Quito and it is surrounded on all sides by mountains.

Yesterday we climbed to the top of one those very steep and green monsters. We were going to see the Volcano Tungurahua. We had a very filling and tasty breakest of fruit, yogurt and granola, and huevos fritos... and rolls. Perfect power food.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Galapagos Pictures - Highlights - #1

North Seymour - Male Frigate Bird Perched in Palo Santo Tree
Male frigate bird in a Palo Santo tree
on North Seymour Island.
It turns out that the Surf Shak here in Canoa has super-fast Internet, so I was able to upload to flickr the highlights from our first couple of days in the Galapagos Islands!  To view them, go to our "Galapagos Highlights" flickr set, which details the best shots from the islands of North Seymour, Rabida, and Santiago (at Puerto Egas).

Friday, August 6, 2010

Canoa Beach Culture

Brian called this The Beach at the End of the World and we wrote a poem together that he began with that as the first line. This does have the feel of being at the edge of the planet. Actually, I am pretty sure this town was planned by ex-pats, surfers, and locals wanting to cash in. Besides the tiny mosquitos who have the power to wreak havoc on your sanity, it is a perfect little place to get away away... but not too far because otherwise I would not be able to post this blog (there is Internet but no ATM in Canoa).